Alimony in New Jersey – An Overview

AlimonyIf there’s a common thread that runs through just about every divorce, it’s money. It may have been a significant contributing factor the breakup of your marriage—more than one third of people in a recent poll cited financial problems as a cause of relationship stress and it’s long been the primary reason people file for divorce. More often than not, though, the biggest conflicts involving money in a divorce are about what happens when the proceedings are over. In this blog, we look at how the courts determine whether alimony/spousal support is warranted and, if so, the factors that go into its calculation.

Alimony in New Jersey

In New Jersey, the decision to grant alimony is determined on a case-by-case basis and is gender-neutral—that means that man or a woman can receive spousal support. Alimony can take a number of forms:

  • Permanent support—an order requiring payment for the remainder of the recipient’s life
  • Temporary alimony—an order requiring payment for a specific period of time
  • Rehabilitative alimony—an order requiring payment until the recipient has either obtained education or training to become self-sufficient or has become employed

The court may take a wide range of factors into consideration when calculating alimony, including:

  • How long the parties have been married
  • The health and age of both parties
  • The standard of living while married
  • The potential earning capacities of both parties
  • The actual needs of the recipient, as well as the ability of the other party to pay
  • The extent to which each party played a significant parental role during the marriage
  • The property settlement in the divorce proceeding
  • Any income producing assets owned by the recipient

Contact Attorney David M. Lipshutz

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